Wednesday, October 24, 2012

First Field Trip

Today we went on Escher's very first field trip! His preschool class met at Taylor Farms. We had so much fun!


We saw lots of farm animals, which was awesome because Escher has been all about the farm animals lately.

This donkey was so sweet, and had the softest little nose. Our farm guide told us that the smell of donkeys helps keeps the coyotes away from the farm. You learn something new every day!

This sheep was pretty cute. I heard another little boy saying that he was cute but "why is he so diiiirty?"

This pony was busy eating lunch while we were there. Escher said he was really excited to see the ponies!

These little baby bulls were my favorite. The guide said they were in "the veal stage" right now, but that these cows would actually grow up on the farm to live there for years and years so that the children could come and see them.

He looks like a grumpy little guy!

Our farm guide also told us that they were taking care of wild Chincoteauge horses on the farm. We got to go on a hayride past their pasture and see them.

This one decided he wanted to eat our seats for lunch!

Escher said "Wow, that is a BIG HUGE COW!!!!"

Matt says "Which one of you is Angus and which one of you is Hereford?"


We took the tractor hayride out to the pumpkin patch, where there were inflatables and this awesome haystack slide pyramid!

Escher insisted on me helping, so there I was, climbing up and down the haystack helping him slide down.

The funniest thing was how fast he would go! His little shorts just let him whiz down the slide so fast.

Note to self: shorts and hay = itchyness!

Taylor Farms also had these cool teepees set up. Dude really enjoyed checking them out.

His teacher said something along the lines of "I just love watching my students at the pumpkin patch. Some kids choose the first pumpkin that they see, and that is good enough for them. Other children pick up a couple and then choose the best one."

"Others, though, have to run through the pumpkin patch, checking every single one out. They pick them up, throw them, toss them in the air, kick them, bounce them, and sometimes even lick them."

Can you guess which child Escher was?

It was a great day at the farm.... We had so much fun!
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