Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March Madness

How crazy is it that we are about 3 weeks away from spring, and it snowed this morning in Virginia Beach! I don't know about ya'll, but I am SO OVER all this stupid snow and cold! Thankfully, I watched the weather forecast this morning and it is supposed to get up to 60 early next week. What the weather gods don't realize is that I have an almost 8 month old who is starting to explore EVERYTHING and we need to get out of the house and into some sunshine! We have big plans for the warm weather:

  • swing!

  • beach!

  • picnics!

  • grilling out!

  • a kiddie pool in the back yard!

  • decorating our back porch!

The list could seriously go on and on. As I'm doing dishes I look out the window dreaming of feeling the warm sunshine on my face. Soon, my love of sunshine will be fulfilled. I CAN'T WAIT!

In other news, our almost 8 month old has just been growing and changing more and more everyday. Here are some of the new things that Escher has been doing (more bullets, yay!):

  • we have a total of 3 teeth, 2 bottom and one up top. the other top one is working its way through. poor little guy, I feel like he has been teething for forever!

  • we now have 2 big kid carseats, for both the Yukon and the Accord. He loves them both and fits so much better in them. He was a few inches over the height limit of the infant car seat! I absolutely love not having to cart that bucket seat around.

  • Escher loves to sit up like a big kid in grocery carts!

  • We took the infant seat out of his whale tub, so he sits up now. He really enjoys bathtime these days. We have squirt toys and a little whale cup. However, his favorite toys are washclothes and the plastic SOLO cup we use to wash his hair. Go figure :-)

  • While he isn't quite crawling yet, he is totally mobile and gets wherever he needs to go by rolling and pivoting. Its actually quite impressive! I'm not stressing the crawling... For one, I like that I can sit him down and he usually stays right where he is. Two, I never really crawled, I rolled. And three, Matt walked pretty early, so we are guessing that Escher might just skip crawling and start pulling up to cruise. He loves to stand and will tug at you to pull him up to his feet.
  • He is eating a wide range of foods these days. He wasn't very happy with us sticking a spoon with mushy stuff on it in his mouth, so we just give him big chunks of the food that we are eating so he can gnaw on whatever he likes. Yesterday he demolished 3 chunks of cantaloupe! I totally agree, it was a delicious melon :-). Some random favorites are orange pepper (weird, huh?) carrots, celery, apples, cantaloupe, asparagus, pancakes (it was soooo cute to watch!) and cucumber. Most of the time he just plays with his food, but we are starting to notice that he is eating more and more these days.
  • He is really using his voice these days. Sometimes I swear that he says Mama and Dada and uses it in context. I walked by the exersaucer the other day and he reached out for me and said MAAAAMAAAAA. Now, I understand that this is a common sound for them to say... but I like to think he can relate me to "mama". When Matt walks in the room, sometimes he says something that sounds like "Eyh dada" (like "hey dada!") Who knows what the little guy is thinking, but boy, is he trying to tell us!

Well, thats about everything I can think of right now, even though I'm sure there is more. I hope everyone has a great week! Let's all do a warm weather dance!

Going for a stroll in my awesome jeep stroller. Thanks Uncle Chris!

One of the last days in his infant carrier!

Crazy bathtime hair!

One of the new carseats!

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