Sunday, May 1, 2011

Swim, Pup, Swim!

Ever since Savanna passed, Truman has stolen the spotlight of the best dog ever. Seriously. "Truman?" you might say to yourself, as you remember how insanely crazy he used to be. How he would pull me down the street on the leash. and jump over our ottoman. and eat random items like cords to power tools and nintendo wires and dvd cases and shoes. and... you get the point.

However, matt and I remark to each other daily how much of an awesome dog Truman has become. We discovered that if you carry a squeaky ball with you at all times Truman is immediately drawn to the ball and could care less about the rest of the world. We aren't afraid to take him out on the beach for fear of him running away now, so that means that he gets to come along on our daily trips to the beach. When we ask Escher if he wants to go to the beach, he says "Twuuu? Ball?" These daily runnings have completely chilled Truman out. He sleeps great, is eating better (lots of treats from Escher!) and really listens now to commands. And the most important thing is that he is great around Escher. He is really gentle with him, and he doesn't bark at Escher if he takes his ball (even though he barks at everyone else!). My eyes well up with tears when I think that just last year I thought the best decision for Truman was to find another home. Matt will forever be my hero for sticking up for Truman. Truman's place is right here with us, on the beach. I look forward to watching Escher and Truman grow closer and closer.

I'm so proud of that dog. He has some pretty mean swimming skills!

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