Its sunsets like this that remind me of how blessed I am to live where I do. The ocean is such a powerful force and I feel honored to share my daily life with it. The ocean has shaped our family! Matt and I both grew up around the water and we love watching Escher have the same childhood. The ocean shows me that my problems are so tiny and insignificant compared to the world. It lets me step back, and realize that what I'm stressed about now might not even be remembered 20 years from now. The beach also helps me appreciate the moment... The warm sun on my skin, hearing the crashing waves, the feel of the sand between my toes. Even just the fresh, salty air invigorates me.
The ocean has many faces and moods.
Cold and hidden.
It can be foggy and grey.
Or it can be sunny and bright.
It can be sunny and bright, and foggy and grey at the same time!
The clouds are always exciting on the beach.
The setting sun can create such a cool ambiance.
Having the ocean so close to us is very inspirational. But also very hard. We have a lot of tradeoffs. We live in a tiny, tiny house (that’s old. and needs work. that we have put more work into than any other house we’ve owned). That we rent (from terrible landlords/rental company). Because we can’t afford our own house in this area (because they are ridiculous). We have neighbors that are thisclose to us (thank goodness we like them. most of the time anyway). We live out in the middle of nowhere, it takes forever to get to any grocery store (other than bloom) and matt has a long drive to work (in a car with no radio). But in the end, it is very much worth it for our family to be here. I can’t wait to see what the summer on the beach brings.
Love having you guys (and gal) here close to us...and the beach is a bonus!