Ever since Escher came home from the hospital, he has been a swaddle baby. He loves to be all snuggly and warm, and I must say that it has really helped him sleep. Until now. The past few nights he has woken up several times because he has managed to get out of his swaddle. Which, I must say is a pretty amazing feat considering I bundle him up so tight he could barely move when I first put him down! He is getting to be so strong! He would fuss in the middle of the night because arms AND legs would be sticking out of the swaddle, and I think he was chilly!!
So last night I decided to still swaddle him, but leave one arm out. I've read that it is the best way to wean a baby off the swaddling. Neither Matt or I were sure how it was going to turn out, but we put him down and hoped for the best. He fussed for a few minutes, but he slept straight through until 4:45 am when he needed to eat. YAY!! We are going to try the one arm out for a few more nights, then maybe go for the second arm. I am really looking forward to not having to swaddle him, especially for naps because he likes to sleep in his swaddle with only a diaper on, so that means that for every nap he has to get undressed, then dressed. Thats a lot of shirts going over his big noggin!
In other news, I think he is starting to feel better! He was up for 1 1/2 hours this morning and he didn't fuss at me at all! I think I got more smiles this morning that I have in the past week and a half! I hope this means that this Wonder Week leap is just about over with. His hand/eye coordination is getting better by the day, and he is determined to roll over. He gets stuck on his side right now, but boy is he trying hard!
We are headed to Virginia Beach this weekend for our nephews, Robertson and Sim's birthdays! This will be the longest car trip that we have attempted with Escher, and it will be the first time that Escher has been to the beach. We are hoping for at least one nice day so that we can take him to the ocean. The ocean has been such an important part of our lives, we are hoping that it means as much eventually to Escher as it does to Matt and I. We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, and I'm sure there will be many pictures to post when we come back!
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