Escher has been very active lately, and he has been trying so hard to roll over. Yesterday I put him down by his car seat, walked away to grab my purse, came back and found him like this:
He was quite proud of himself!
Today we are enjoying a rainy, snuggly day inside with Daddy, who is off work today. We got to have coffee, bacon and biscuits this morning, yum! UP came on Netflix, so we are hoping to watch that today. It is a great day to relax, especially after our busy weekend :)
Tomorrow is Escher's 4 month well baby checkup. Please keep him (and us!) in your thoughts as he has to get his second round of vaccinations. He didn't do well with the first set, but he is much bigger now, so hopefully he won't be affected as much by them. We also know the tylenol/sugar water paci tricks now, too!! ;)
Yippee, way to go Escher! Watch out Mom, he'll be un-stop-able soon!