Monday, February 6, 2012


Our little man has been cracking us up lately, so much has gone by in the past month! I didn't get around to writing a Christmas post but I will include a few of our favorite memories here.

  • Escher's favorite Christmas songs were Jingle Bells and Christmas Monkey from the Curious George Christmas movie. In fact, we've only just stopped singing them lately!
  • He loved Christmas lights. Anytime he saw them he would yell "CHE-MAS WIGHS, YAY!"
  • We told him about Santa, and on Christmas day he told us "Santa brought Red Pepe (panda), and water buffalo and sea wion!"
  • When we pass the Sprout consignment store at the beach, he sees all the giant stuffed animals in the window, he says "Santa bring dude... giraffe and cheeta and tiger?" 
  • We have been watching a lot of Curious George, and Escher has been picking up some funny stuff. The other night, Escher asked Matt for his bottle of water. Matt said no, and Escher started to throw a fit so Matt drank almost all of it and handed the bottle to Escher with just a inch or so in it. Escher takes the back of his hand, draws it across his forhead and says "sheeew!" Like, be glad you gave that to me before I had a fit!
  • We left Escher's favorite animal, Baby Elley, and the library. We go back inside and Escher runs back and finds it abandoned in a play boat they have there. As we are leaving, the library asks him if he found his animal. He stops, looks at her,  and tells her "Found Baby Elley in boat! SHEEEW!" and does the hand thing again. I'm pretty sure that made her week, she was laughing so hard.
  • When we are throwing the football, Escher is such a good cheerleader. "Good Catch, Mommeee! Good throw Daddee!, Oh, almost!"
  • He has started saying "awesome". its awesome :-)
  • He'll ask for something, and then say, "Yeah, LOTS of bubbles (or fries,  or candy, etc)
  • He tries so hard to count to ten. Most of the time he does really well, although for some reason he doesn't like five and six.
  • We got a new book at the library, "Baby Bear, Baby Bear What Do You See?" He made me read it 3 times before nap that day and he had memorized all the animals by the time we were done.
  • He dropped his bowl of cheerios and said "Oh, what a mess!"
  • He says "Dude made a MESS!"
  • Then he says "Mom, clean up!"
  • We are working on cleaning up our messes.
  • We passed by a house that had a lot of palm trees in the front, and he tells me "Whoa, jungle in there!"
  • We were listening to Zac Brown Band, "Chicken Fried" and Escher yells "I WANT CHICKEN FRIES!"
  • We were driving when it was really cloudy out the other day, and I noticed a little blue sky. I told Escher, "It looks like the sun might come out" and he looks around at the grey clouds and tells me "No, the sun not workin today"
  • When we were at Grace last week, it was getting to be snack time, and Escher had what we like to call "Low Blood Sugar Cranky Butt Disorder" (taken from Pioneer Woman) Anyways, he was falling apart when it came to getting that precious little cup of goldfish and animal crackers. All of his other friends were sitting at the table waiting patiently and he is standing by his chair, moaning "Ms Twaceee, dude hungry... pwease has snack for dude? Ms Twacee pwsease!" Ms. Tracey is trying her hardest to hide her giggles as she gives everyone else at his table their snack. Finally he gets his cup of snacks and everything is right with the world. 

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