Wednesday, February 9, 2011

quick posts


Things I want to remember:

  • I love the way Escher says “uh oh” it comes out like “uh oooooooooh”
  • he has been carrying around his little stuffed fish everywhere he goes. and I mean everywhere.
  • yesterday he said “mama? get bankee? and flop? pees?” and took my hand and led me to his room where floppy and his blanket lay trapped in his crib.
  • today he said “cow says moooo” when we were at chic-fil-a.
  • he weighed 27lbs, and is 35 inches tall. his head is still off the charts. the doctor said he created his own percentile curve for the growth chart : )
  • he has a love affair with lollipops. and cookies. our neighbors came over and said “here we brought you some valentines cookies!” they had barely set foot in the house before escher ran over to them squealing “cookeeeee? cookeeee?”
  • he is a water baby. through and through. he has no fears about getting wet, he just dives right in. we have been taking him to the rec center every week and he is right at home. this week we started his “tiny bobbers” swim class at the rec center. it was so much fun! we definitely have the most wild child in the group (is anyone surprised?) but I have to say that even though he was the kid that climbed out of the pool three times in a quest to get a basketball to play with, I was very proud of him.

That’s all I can remember. I’m beat. Enjoy your night everyone!


  1. Just wait, Matt quickly learned to follow his "uh ohhh" with "i in tubble now!"
