Friday, July 23, 2010

12 Month Well Baby Checkup.

Escher had his 12 month well baby check up today! He is 32 inches long (holy cow!), 22.9lbs, and I forget what his head circumference was, but it was off the chart. That brain of his has been working hard, too! He has really started to communicate with us. The other day, he was fussing and I was doing something in the kitchen. The next thing I know, he had walked himself over to his high chair and was showing me the sign for food (fingers to mouth) and saying "mmmmm, mmmm." After I picked my jaw up off the floor, I put him in his high chair and gave him lunch. He was mighty pleased with himself = ) The next day, he started signing "more", which is putting your fingers together. Then he connected "more" sign to "food" sign when his tray was empty. Wow! I feel like everyday he says and does such big kid stuff! He walked and drank out of his sippy the other day. I can't even walk and drink at the same time!

As for words, he says: mama, dada, puppies ("pup pup"), woof woof, ball ("bah"), duck, quack, and fish ("eeeesh").

He got some shots today, he cried for a little, then calmed down when he got a sticker! Actually, two stickers, one for each hand = )

Here are some pics and videos from the last week or so!

Hope everyone is having a great summer! Stay cool!

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