Saturday, September 29, 2012


I can't believe I have two kids.

Two totally amazing, happy, beautiful kids.

That drive me crazy.

But I love them with all my heart.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Escher is all about puzzles these days.

He is really good at them, if I can brag for just a minute.

Although its funny... He has a certain way of putting the puzzles together and if you do it out of order, he lets you know that it is not ok.

Notice how all of his puzzles are animals?

Big surprise there!
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Riley is 11 weeks! She's almost not a newborn anymore... yay!

She still loves her fingers :-)

Riley has started to find her voice. She loves if you just sit and talk to her. She will talk allllll day. She loves the attention. Such a girl...


"Who me? Act like a girl? Never."

She is soooooo different from her brother.

But, they have some similarities.

They both love(d) to be up and looking around.

"Hmm... Should I poop now? Or later?"

Riley has the cutest hair. She has a little triangle piece that sticks straight up, and then long hair that is starting to curl over her ears.

Isn't that the cutest?
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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Many Faces

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He's Happy

Two of Escher's favorite things... No pants and strawberries!

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Riley has discovered her hands!

You would think they were covered in chocolate the way she slobbers over them all day.

Mmmm... Yummy...

They make her so happy...

"What did you say? I have ten toes to discover, too?!?!?"
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"My favorite friends!"

Out of the many stuffed animals that Escher has, he has chosen a select few to be his "favorite friends."

"Hey Mom, can I go down to my room and get my favorite friends and we can watch bob ba builder on the little tv? Ok, thanks Mom."

His favorite friends are: Floppy, Baby Tiger, Baby Hippo, Baby Lion, Blue Elly, Pink Elly, Blankey and Elly Girl.

After he lined them all up, he said "Mom, will you take a picture of me and my favorite friends watching a movie?"

The most favorite of Escher's friends is Elly Girl.

(He named her himself.)

"Mom, I just love Elly Girl sooooo much. She is SO cute. And I love blankey too."

Elly Girl goes everywhere with us. She waits in the car while Escher is at preschool. She goes into the grocery store and meets many shoppers and clerks. He loves his Elly Girl...
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Tuesday, September 11, 2012


This is pretty much how Riley gets around these days. She loves to be in the Baby Bjorn.

She also loves to be near her daddy :-)
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Escher started preschool last week!
He picked out a super cool lunch box to take his snack in. He loves to pack his snack the night before.
His first day was last Thursday, and he cried a little when I dropped him off. This morning, he stashed his lunchbox in his cubby and walked right in the classroom. Didn't even say goodbye to me! He is so big these days, we are so proud of him.

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Riley at 8 weeks...

Riley likes to smile.

Don't be fooled though. She may look sweet, but she likes to cry, too.

Scream, actually.

But then she smiles and it makes you not want to tear your hair out so much.

She starts to grin when she hears her bottle being shaken up.

She grins when you sing to her.

She likes to be called "Riley Roo."

When she is fussy, Escher and I call her "Riley-saurus Rex."

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