I never recorded anything during Escher's pregnancy. So now that we have the blog, I thought I would write a little something each week, so I can look back and remember what it was really like. So here we go...
Week 8
I feel like : crap. tired, nauseous, hungry with food adversions, aching, tired... did I say tired?
I want: chicken salad with pickles, ham salad with pickles, lemon ice cream cake, crystal light lemonade and ginger ale, lemonheads, sunflower seeds, and toast. and baked potatoes... I think I have had 4 just this past week.
Please do not give me: red meat, the smell of red meat, read meat of any kind, Worcestershire sauce, any kind of vegetable (except cucumbers), most chocolate, milk or plain water (which makes me sad because I love water...)
Silly moment: I cried at Target today because when I asked Escher if he would share his toys with the new baby he said "Oh-KAY mommeeee, share ele-PHANT and GIWaff and HIPpo to new baby"
I don't remember any of this with Escher. I know I cried a little but felt fine physically for the most part. This time I feel pregnant. VERY pregnant. Emotional, crazy, crying, food aversions, weird cravings, weird dreams... Just hoping that the second trimester lets me feel like me again!